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From Kevin (Page 10)

America the Beautiful… It Is Still True!

We live in extraordinary days, and in all the upheaval, change, confusion and chaos, we can sometimes begin to think the sky is falling. No doubt we are facing enormous challenges, but we also know that God has not lost any sleep over the circumstances that unsettle us. He has remained the same yesterday, today and forever. We can trust Him and thank…

Church is a Party!

Church is a party for those who need a party in the midst of a life that needs something more than the day in and day out regularity. Church is a party that celebrates the glimpses of beauty that come with seeing God’s amazing love that transforms and creates. Those glimpses of beauty, of perfection and of “the way is was supposed…

Father’s Day 2015

There are positions throughout our culture that are critically important as guard towers for the good of people. These positions are both important and challenging. They are strategic and difficult. One of the most important and strategic positions is that of being a father. Yet most fathers I know have a nagging sense of wondering if they have fulfilled the responsibility to…

Stand Strong

Stand strong in the midst of the storms of life.  It resonates with our hearts doesn’t it??  It is the theme of the greatest stories ever told.  It calls us to something larger than what the daily grind seems to offer. The problem however is this… when the actual storms arrive, they seem to overwhelm our resolve to stand strong.  Standing strong…

When The Rains Come, we have to Stand Strong

It is never easy to deal with the challenges that come our way during the course of our lives. Sometimes we see them as rude intrusions or we may see them as unfortunate distractions. Of course we see them as less than ideal. However, the afflictions of life happen due to the broken nature of our world and ourselves. They usually come…

Memorial Day: Not Just Another Day Off

When each day is done we seldom seem to have the time and energy to take stock of our lives and the affairs of the world around us. We are busy doing all sorts of things and then we drop our weary bodies into bed and crash into sleep or find ourselves sleepless and worrying about things we can’t control in our…

When The Rains Come

It has been quite a week with all the rain, hail, fog and winds! Diane’s budding garden took a thrashing! It’s hard to tell if it will recover very well. However, the next few days promise to be rain free and sunny. That will be awesome! Then on Sunday, When The Rains Come again, we will risk renewed challenges of keeping the…

The Re-establishment of Balance

Easter can be seen through all sorts of lenses. Life itself has a variety of places where we stand and observe the unfolding of what it means to be human. I think we probably all stand at some intersections of life where we wonder what in the world is happening around us. There seems to be so much chaos, confusion and conflict.…

The Passion Week

In the history of the Christian church, this coming week is known as The Passion Week, or The Holy Week. It begins with what we call Palm Sunday (or what was at times known as Passion Sunday) and ends with Easter Sunday.This particular week took on more and more institutional focus over the twenty centuries since they occurred. Sometimes this increased attention…

The Need for Connection

We are told that God is all-sufficient for the needs in our lives, and that is totally true… on one level. He is all-sufficient and totally reliable. Nothing in this world is perfect except for Him. When our lives are pushed to the edge, we can find Him to be all that we need because He is the only one that can…