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From Kevin

What’s Up With These Town Hall Meetings?

Town Hall Meetings coming up on August 5th and 6th You are invited to participate in a dialogue concerning the details and content of all the nitty-gritty of our church and its mission. As we prepare for the Annual Business Meeting of Quest on Sunday August 19th (which is not the place to ask and answer the hard questions but it is…

Being Connected

One of the most important parts of life is to be connected.  There are numerous dimensions to ‘being connected’ that enrich our lives. Two of those dimensions that I would like to touch on this week have to do with church membership and baptism. I will have to be honest with you that writing about these two things seems a little strange…

Elder Candidate School

We have just recently wrapped up an extensive process of vetting people for becoming Elders for the church family here at Quest. Honestly, it is probably one of the best things we do here at Quest.  It is not a simple or an easy process.  We use a short, but very effective book (Christ in Church Leadership) as a guide for discussions…

Suit Up

Conflict, warfare, battles… it feels like much of our world is consumed by way to much of these things!  It is one of the harsh realities that we live with internationally, nationally and locally.  There are a million wonderful things in our world that we ought not to forget about and enjoy, but I find so many people being discouraged and disillusioned…

Memorial Day

This weekend, America will once again celebrate Memorial Day as the unofficial start of the summer season.  This weekend will find many of us doing the ‘BBQ’ thing with burgers, brats and ‘dogs’.  Indianapolis will once again run the ‘500’ at breakneck speeds.  There will be parades, concerts, races and get togethers on every block, in every town, in every state of…

When Does a Boy Become a Man?

“When does a boy become a man?” is a question that our society usually has a hard time finding an answer for.  Many times, our culture seems to either ignore the question or has found the answer so impossible that we just move on without doing the hard work of finding an answer that is substantial enough to hold up the the rigors…