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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Community (Page 4)

The Future… Live, Give, Thrive

All across the area, young adults are attending colleges and universities. They are learning more about themselves through their independence and a wide range of campus activities. They are gaining in knowledge, skill and brain power through the coursework taken. They are preparing for their future. This can be an exciting time of life! Then it happens… an unplanned pregnancy. Suddenly, everything…

Haiti 2016 – A “Life Changing” Mission Trip

Quest has just completed its first Haiti mission trip this past February. God used the time, talent and treasure He bestowed to the people of Quest to share His Love for the people of Anse-a-galets on the island of Lagonave. Through the generosity of our Quest community, through the Advent Conspiracy donations, WISH ministry received money for the community center/library, a home was built…

The Need for Connection

We are told that God is all-sufficient for the needs in our lives, and that is totally true… on one level. He is all-sufficient and totally reliable. Nothing in this world is perfect except for Him. When our lives are pushed to the edge, we can find Him to be all that we need because He is the only one that can…

NCF Workday – Serving Our Community!

Thank you to all who came out Saturday, February 14th to join our partners at New City Fellowship and the Work Day program. Serving the north city community was a day of hard work with the demolition/gutting at a 3 story home and the kitchen floor replacement in another home. God tells us in Matthew 5:16… …let your light shine before others, that…

“Thank You!” -From Thrive

Questers! You have blown it out of the water yet again. The response to our Thrive Baby Shower was overwhelming! We never see donations like this… this much or this nice of stuff! After the donations were delivered, the first Thrive Mother that got to shop at the store wrote Quest a thank you note. We thought you’d like to read it.…

Life is sacred . . . because God made it.

This coming Sunday is the National Sanctity of Human Life Day. On this day people all across America come together to pray for unborn, to defend the unborn, and to speak out against abortion. In 2008, President George W. Bush stated it this way “On National Sanctity of Human Life Day, we recognize that each life has inherent dignity and matchless value,…

Beyond the Workshop

Excitement is building as Quest Beyond Christmas Workshop is just around the corner on Sunday, Nov 23rd, 2014. We look forward to seeing you there! Imagine yourself having a great time with fellow Questers working on crafts. Laughing, eating, and enjoying community. Then at the end of a fun, satisfying day, when the last craft is done and the last slice of…

Serve St. Louis 2014

God has called Quest to be a church that is in and for the community.  We are committed to God’s commissioning in Matthew 28:18-20 being a church going BEYOND our walls and a people going BEYOND ourselves to share the Hope of Christ while serving our community and our world. So, you might asking yourself how does Serve St. Louis help us…

I’d Like to Invite You for a BLT

I honestly would love to sit down with you and have a BLT sometime, but more importantly I would like to invite you to join a group of people for a BLT (a group of people who meet to BELONG, LEARN, AND be TRANSFORMED).  These are groups of 15-30 people who meet every other week.  These groups are one of the most…