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Community (Page 3)

Belonging Translates into Being Equipped

In the last three weeks, we have seen from I Corinthians that three aspects of BELONGING are… Embracing the fact that we all ‘sit on the bench rowing together’ as equals under the Lordship of Christ… that He is the only captain of this ship called “the church.”   That we all sit on that bench together, arranged and organized by the…

Candy Donations for Quest Kids

Quest Kids is collecting bags of candy for an outreach opportunity they will have later this year. It’s a great time to pick up candy since it’s Halloween time and everything is on sale. If you could grab a bag or two and bring it to the Quest Kids desk, your donation will help bring some joy to kids around the St.…

It’s Check-Up Time

Check-up… that brings to mind a visit to the doctor to do things and talk about things that we would rather not do nor talk about… but it would probably be really good for us. Sometimes a simple test can reveal something really important. What is true of our physical health can be true of our spiritual health as well. That is…

The $10 Challenge

About a month ago, Kevin gave the opportunity for people to pick up a $10 bill to use in some way in September. You were asked to pray about and thoughtfully consider how God might have you use the money. It’s not a ton of money, but enough to make a small difference in the life of someone in the community. Did…

BLTs Start THIS Week!

BLT’s are Quest’s main community groups or “small groups.” These grups meet every other week starting the week of September 13th. We want to extend an invitation to anyone who may be wanting to join a BLT or change BLTs this coming year. There are 5 different groups all meeting on different days and times, so hopefully you can fond one to suit…

Church is a Pool Party

Last year we proclaimed that Church is a Party!!! This year we are going one more step to proclaim that Church is a Pool Party!!!! If you remember last year, we reflected on the reality that Church is supposed to be a people and a place where people are celebrated because they have inherent value because they are the object of God’s affections.…

A Common Goal

The new school year has already started for some schools, and within the next week, most schools will be in session. The administrators, teachers and other staff are geared up and ready for the mass invasion of students from all walks of life. They are a special group of people with unique gifting, giving hearts and a dedication to serving student communities.…

Our New Online Quest Directory… Coming June 2015.

We’ve been working on updating our Quest directory to a secure online version that will be easier to manage and keep updated on an ongoing basis, but we’re in need of some information from you, our amazing Questers. A huge goal of Quest is to form and keep close community within our church, but we need to keep an up to date contact directory…