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Community (Page 2)

How Will You Show Christmas Compassion?

It’ a week before Thanksgiving and our community is already preparing for the coming Christmas season.  Throughout the area, we see a scattering of homes that have Christmas lights shining brightly in the night sky, trucks dropping off Christmas trees at parking lots and many businesses are starting to decorate their stores.  There always seems to be a level of anticipation or…

What Does it Look Like to Love Our Community?

What does it look like to love our community? Well, the answer to that question is not complicated but it could look like a million different things… depending on what God provides for us to do on any given day or in any given circumstance.  Each of us will have opportunities day in and day out – IF we keep our eyes…

God’s Community

We have now transitioned into our new building, our new place, our new home for Quest Church a “people in and for the Community”.  God gives us the awesome opportunity and responsibility to engage our community with the Love of Christ through our actions, character and words.  And, that starts right here in our neighborhoods, with the people we engage in everyday…

Project Dignity

We just completed our trip to Anse-a-Galet, LaGonave, Haiti, but the work there continues.  Let me explain… we successfully assembled the trusts and put them into place. We also were able to get the sheet metal roof and guttering installed.  We couldn’t have completed our task without the help of several Haitian men.  And, while we returned home, those men are continuing…

A New Season

This past Sunday, the congregation of Quest took a decisive and unique step that will impact our future in a profound way.  A step like this is always a little ‘awkward’ as the process of making decisions is sometimes a bit complicated.  In this case, the Elders presented the congregation with an opportunity; they did their homework as throughly as possible and…

Thrive Baby Shower

Quest will be holding a baby shower drive through February 7th. We’re collecting baby supplies that new parents often need for their little ones. If you’d be willing to help, please pick up items from the list below and bring to Quest on Sunday mornings between now and February 7th. The following are items that Thrive needs donated: Larger items Pack-n-plays with…

Partnering to Provide

There is an organization in the community whose doors are open to all who come through and they seek the welfare of the people in their community. They love people right where they are and value who they are as people. They do not judge or reject. They nurture, teach, support and encourage people who come to their organization. If you were to…

Seed Paper Gift Tags

Quest is selling Christmas gift tags this year in hopes to raise money to buy supplies for a couple of our Christmas Compassion projects. These tags are printed on seed paper so the recipient can then plant the tag after the gift has been given and grow beautiful wildflowers this spring as an ongoing gift beyond just what’s given at Christmas. The tags read,…

Reach for Christmas Compassion

The focus this Christmas (2015) will be defined by the phrase, “May the comfort and compassion of Christ fill your season.” During a time of the year when things are so hectic, it is difficult to remember the simplicity and beauty of the fact that God invaded time and space in order to demonstrate His compassion for mankind through, what we call,…

*Updated* Crestview Food Pantry List

Crestview’s Food Pantry provides students with food over the weekends that otherwise, may go hungry or not get enough to eat. We are so blessed to have the ability to come alongside the school in this amazing way. Quest has responded so incredibly to all the needs they have. We have received an updated list with a few extra items that could…