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Christmas (Page 2)

Christmas Eve 2016

On Saturday evening, we will join millions of Christians from around the world in celebrating the birth of Christ on the eve of His birthday.  The heart of our celebration will focus on the fact that in the midst of a world in conflict and in darkness, He came to offer light and hope.  On the occasion of Jesus birth, He was…

For God So Loved the WORLD

The past few weeks during this advent season, we’ve discussed John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. It is one of the foundational verses reflecting God’s purpose and God’s plan.  For His glory, He sent Jesus to save the world because He so loved…

First Love: Christmas 2016

Who or what is your first love?  If we were to ask this very simple question of God Himself the answer would be crystal clear… His first love are those who are made in His image… mankind… men and women… boys and girls… the elderly… the middle aged… the young adult… students… kids… and even the unborn.  We are His first love.…

How Will You Show Christmas Compassion?

It’ a week before Thanksgiving and our community is already preparing for the coming Christmas season.  Throughout the area, we see a scattering of homes that have Christmas lights shining brightly in the night sky, trucks dropping off Christmas trees at parking lots and many businesses are starting to decorate their stores.  There always seems to be a level of anticipation or…

Decorating for Christmas

Christmas. It’s a big time of year for a church. It holds so much tradition, so many memories and the promise of so much hope. We’ll have lots of visitors walk through our doors and we want to be ready for them. Quest wants to provide a place that is inviting, warm, friendly and helps people connect to this special time of year. Decorating…

Christmas Eve

The first verse of Christmas song “Let It Snow” goes like this…. Oh, the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since we’ve no place to go Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow Great song…..and couldn’t be any more untrue! Can I give a try at rewriting this for us this year: Oh, the weather outside…

How We’re Stepping into Advent Conspiracy

In many ways, our society has taken the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior out of Advent and Christmas season.  We live in world that says “Happy Holidays” as to not offend anyone, a world that puts more thought into shopping than eternity and a world that thinks Christmas is only about the gifts.  It is unfortunate but it…

Christmas Compassion

The focus of our Christmas Season (2015) is simply expressed by the word ‘compassion’.  It is simple but it is not simplistic.  In the midst of our busy-ness, we are faced with profound tragedies all around us that confuse us, frustrate us, anger us and even drive us to despair.  But rather than being stuck in our confusion, our frustration, our anger…

A Little Season We Call Advent

Thanksgiving is upon us and it’s time to gather with loved ones.  We will give thanks and eat too much turkey.  Well, we will probably eat too much of many delicious foods and desserts…am I right!  Our culture will then turn to the Christmas holiday and it starts with Black Friday.  Next to follow is lights, trees, gifts, parties, family, friends, and…

Partnering to Provide

There is an organization in the community whose doors are open to all who come through and they seek the welfare of the people in their community. They love people right where they are and value who they are as people. They do not judge or reject. They nurture, teach, support and encourage people who come to their organization. If you were to…