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Quest Blog (Page 28)

James: Walk the Walk

This winter, in the life of our church, we have chosen to journey through the book / letter we know as James, in the New Testament.  We could have selected most anything in the entire Bible and it would be applicable because God did not waste any part of His revelation… all of it is good for our hearts and minds.  However,…

Who Knew Bottle Caps Could be so Awesome?

Our friends down at Pond Elementary have asked us for a little help. Miss Dressel’s kindergarten and Mrs. Portell’s 5th grade classes are buddying up to collect 200 pounds of bottle caps and lids to create a bench for the Pond Playground. Who knew you could do such amazing things with bottle caps and lids??? We need YOU to help them reach…

Mingle and Munch is Back Again!

Mingle and Munch has been something that we’ve been doing at Quest off and on since the beginning. Basically, it’s dinners for 8-10 people that someone within Quest hosts in their home. It’s a one time, relationally focused evening to get to know a few people and share a meal. It’s been a big hit, so we’re going another round this February/March!…

Where Do We Go From Here?

Where do we go from here?  That’s a logical question to ask as we transition from fall and Christmas into winter and spring.  We could apply that question to any number of dimensions of our lives: family, vocation, hobbies, sports, finances, investments, exercise, etc.  One place to ask that question for Quest, as a whole, is in determining what to address on…

Bible Studies and BLTs in the New Year

As we head towards a new year, there may be some changes that you’re looking to make. We’re not going to call them resolutions… because resolutions are made to be broken… so we’ll call them life changes. Maybe you’re looking to be healthier – whether physically or emotionally, that seems to be a common one. Maybe you’re looking to spend more time…

Making Room

During this year’s Christmas season, we are focusing on the theme of “Making Room.”  At a time when we can get very busy with all the ‘stuff’ to get done and to attend, it can be challenging to make room for some of the really important things of life.  It is especially troubling since the heart of Christmas is not really about…

The Last Palooza

…of the Year Surely you didn’t think we were canceling Paloozas all-together! Paloozas are a part of Quest like our DNA is a part of us. It’s a building block of what makes Quest, Quest. We’re a family. Families celebrate and have fun, especially around the holidays!  Our tradition in that the Sunday after Christmas is a breakfast style Palooza. Most of…

Making Room… for the Kids of Haiti

Slowly but surely, the people of Haiti have become part of the fabric of Quest.  Groups of Questers have been traveling to this island nation for the entire (yet relatively short) history of our church.  Each time we go, we understand more and become more and more committed to seeking the welfare of this impoverished nation.  More specifically, we are engaging a…

*NEW* Women’s Bible Study Starting in January

Ladies, we have a new Bible study starting Tuesday, January 22nd running through March 5th from 7-9pm. Diane Hughes and Ginny Klopfer are leading Lysa TerKeurst’s “Finding I Am”. This is a 7 week study from the best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst. What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul just waiting to be fulfilled? Join Lysa TerKeurst…