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Quest Blog (Page 23)

A Mission Trip to Bulgaria

If you were in service this past Sunday, you probably heard about our next mission trip that we’re putting together. We support missionaries, Shawn and Natalie Key, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The missions team has put together a plan to gather a small group of people to head to Bulgaria this summer for a week with the Keys. The team would be gone…

Getting Plugged into the Quest Community

We have several ways that you can go about getting yourself or your family plugged into the Quest Community. We offer a few different Bible studies for men, women and even a marriage/relationanal based one coming up in a few weeks. We also have a variety of mid-sized groups that we have lovingly termed BLTs (where you can Belong, Learn and Transform).…

Family Circus

From January 5th until Easter (April 12th), Quest is going to boldly step into the exciting and challenging arena of Marriage and Family.  Thirty years ago, this topic would never have conjured up much controversy.  However, we live in a new and unsettled world when it comes to these issues.  We can find ourselves caught up in the swirling chaos of debate…

Unwrapping Christmas

One of the Christmas ‘traditions’ for many of us is the unwrapping of gifts that we have received during the holidays.  Most often Christmas morning is when families gather around a finely decorated tree and discover the treasures they have anticipated for weeks or maybe months.  It is usually a lot of fun, yet performed in many different fashions.  At the same…

Quest Students Update

Quest Students will be having one more time meeting this year: tomorrow evening at 6:30pm in the lower level of Quest. They will be taking a break until Wednesday, January 8th at 6:30pm. If you have any questions, please contact Johnathan Walker.

Explaining Advent Conspiracy

Advent Conspiracy is a movement that was started over a decade ago by a couple of pastors that wanted to push back against the commercialism of Christmas. They had four goals: Worship Fully Spend Less Give more Love All The movement started small—just a handful of churches who would try this experiment and make the Advent story personal again. The news spread…

Be Thankful

This is my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving!  I dislike the fact that it seems to get squeezed out as it sits between Halloween and Christmas.  In an increasingly secular culture, the complicated dimensions of Halloween and the economic boom of Christmas overshadow the tiny observation of Thanksgiving.  Obviously, Thanksgiving is a beautiful part of our American heritage, but it is…

Opening Our Doors to the Community this Christmas

Christmas time is always a great time to make sure that the community knows our doors are open to them and they’re welcome. To help encourage folks to stop by, we’re doing a couple of things that we wanted to make sure you knew about. You’ve been hearing about The Grinch movie night that will be happening Friday, December 6th from 6-9pm.…


In Matthew 25 (v.31-46), Jesus is wrapping up His earthly ministry and approaching the time of His disciples betrayal, His arrest, His bogus criminal conviction, His cruxifixction, and eventually, His resurrection.  In the midst of those events, Jesus says some of the most incredible things.  One of those had to do with identifying His authentic followers and therefore those who will inherit…

“How can something so beautiful become so difficult?”

Christmas is on it way.  It is in full bloom in all of the stores.  It is a beautiful time of the year.  It is full of so many traditions.  It is full of smells and sounds and sights that fill our senses. This year we will ‘unwrap’ it like the other gifts we will receive.  It is boxed and covered with…