Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Announcements (Page 4)

A Time of Prayer Together

I would like to invite you all to join together on Sunday, November 6th (two days before the elections), from 5-6 pm in the Lower Level of our new building to PRAY… not primarily for the elections however! Our focus will be to pray for our church and the churches throughout the United States.   While it is very important that we pray for…

Haiti Feeding Program *Update*

Our Quest Kids raised money over the summer to help support the feeding program in Haiti that Quest has partnered with. The congregation was challenged to meet what the kids gave, and once again, you all went above and beyond expectations. Together, we collected $1,672.56. That’s 4,779 meals. The program proves meals for 180 kids per day… we’ve helped provide 27 days of…

Quest “Bookstore”

If I were to boil down my library of books to the ones that have made the most difference and the highest impact in my life, there would be a dozen or so.  They would cover a variety of subjects, but the most important ones have addressed the deepest issues of the human heart – a heart that is capable of amazing…

Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, September 11th at 10am

Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, September 11th at 10am Annual Business Meeting… doesn’t sound like much fun does it? …but that is a travesty.  The ‘business of the church’ ought to be one of the most compelling and exciting things on the face of the planet.  Really, the redemptive work of God in the lives of people should be the most captivating idea…

Fall 2016 BLTs

It’s that time of year again! BLTs (Belong, Learn, Transform) are gearing back up to kick off in September. If you’re interested in this unique small group experience, now is the perfect time to “on-ramp” into a group. However, we understand that schedules and family needs change, so now would also be a great time to “off-ramp” from your current BLT if the…

New Local School Outreach Ministry and Opportunities

Kelly Moore will be the new Coordinator for Quest’s partnership with Pond Elementary School. She is looking for team members and volunteers for various activities throughout the year. The first opportunity is Ezra’s Toy Drive.  We are collecting brand new toys or gift cards from now until September 18. The toy drive has been extended so you can bring your new toys or gift…

*NEW* Women’s Fall Bible Studies

Ladies! We have a couple new Bible studies coming at you this fall! The first will be starting September 13th and running through November 22nd – Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm. They’ll be studying Beth Moore: Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy. You can get your own book from Lifeway for $15.99. You’ll want to order it ahead of time, leaving plenty of time…

God’s Community

We have now transitioned into our new building, our new place, our new home for Quest Church a “people in and for the Community”.  God gives us the awesome opportunity and responsibility to engage our community with the Love of Christ through our actions, character and words.  And, that starts right here in our neighborhoods, with the people we engage in everyday…

Dedication Sunday: June 19, 2016

We are all looking forward to this Sunday and the ‘dedication’ of our new home for Quest at 17126 Manchester Road, Wildwood, Missouri. To dedicate means to officially make a place for honoring or remembering a person, event, etc. In a Christian theology and worldview, the place that is dedicated to Christ is most essentially the human heart. That is where He…