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Announcements (Page 2)

Sports Camp in Bonn, Germany

We’re putting together another team for Bonn, Germany this summer! In partnership with Bonn FeG (Free Evangelical Church), we have gone and helped at their Sports and ESL Camp and we’re hoping to do it again this year. July 13th-22nd, our team will head to Bonn, Germany to help at the camp in the way of lacrosse, flag football and softball plus ESL classes.…

Women’s Winter Bible Studies

Ladies! We have two Bible studies coming at you this January! Tuesdays from 7pm-9pm starting January 23rd (running 9 weeks through March 20th) “Stuck” by Jennie Allen This study will help us see the places we get stuck and engage the God who sets us free. Each week begins with a ten minute video that leads into small group discussion. You can purchase…

Helping Quest be Quest

We’ve talked on many occasions about the church being people, not a building. Quest is made up of PEOPLE that share the hope of Christ with each other and our community. If it weren’t for you, one of our AMAZING Questers, this church wouldn’t be what it is. We have so many amazing volunteers that make all of the necessary things happen.…

Advent Conspiracy: Haiti 2018

From the very beginning of Quest, we have had a vision of seeking the welfare of the community in which we live.  We understood that when we seek the welfare of others, God would give us ours in the process. Conversely, we understood that when we seek our own welfare first, at our core, we are simply serving ourselves. Jesus told us…

*NEW* Meal Train & Transport Ministry

Our *NEW* Meal Train and Transport Ministry is designed to come alongside Questers in times of need. Are you or your spouse sick, injured or recovering from surgery or a birth? Would a few meals help to lighten the load you’re carrying? Do you need to get somewhere like a doctor’s appointment and can’t drive yourself or don’t have a ride? Let…

Heading Back to the Front Lines

Dear Questers, I first want to say that I appreciate all of you.  I also want to share with you that I am resigning my position with Quest, effective Nov 3rd.  I want to emphasize that Jennifer and I are not leaving Quest, I am just leaving my position.  God convicted my heart of this several months ago, but it has taken…

Transitions and Changes

It has been a few months since the last time that I have written to all of you. It is always a blessing anytime I get the opportunity to share with the entire Quest community. Life has many transitions in it. Some are natural, like moving up to high school and college. Others, like marriage and kids, come later and then there…

It’s Palooza Time Again!

We have often said that “church is a party,” and so it is!!! However, it is a little different that the typical party of our culture, and a lot different than the ‘party’ that dominated the Huzzah River last weekend while we floated among to much alcohol, to little clothing and way to much vulgarity.  The party that the church is supposed…

Serve St. Louis 2017

You’ve probably seen the save the date alerts about Serve St. Louis over the last couple of weeks. Serve St. Louis is a city-wide, multi church weekend event where people get out and help… they Serve St. Louis. There are loads of projects hosted by multiple churches from around the area. Quest is organizing four different project opportunities this year. Community Garden…