Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

BLTs – Belong, Learn & Transform

Wouldn’t it be fun to be part of the baseball Cardinals team?? I think it would be fun to be part of the Cardinal organization in any capacity! Just by living in St. Louis and the mid-west region, we are a part of Cardinal Nation! Being a part of something meaningful is something we all want. In fact, we are designed to be a vital part of something bigger than ourselves where we fit in and function well as part of our purpose. We all want to be recognized and appreciated for who we are. We also want to recognize and appreciate others for who they are. In part, that is what the church is all about… knowing and being known.

So… therefore… where are you connected in Quest so that you risk being known and knowing others? Where are you sharing the journey of being known by God and growing in your experience with Him? There are a bunch of environments to do just that, but one of them are our BLT’s… a people and place where anybody and everybody can ‘belong,’ ‘learn’ and be ‘transformed.’ In the coming weeks, you will hear more about these as they start up in mid-September.