Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

BLTs and Bible Studies

Like most churches, Quest sponsors a variety of ‘break-out’ venues for people to get more connected and more personal.  Some of those venues are focused on developing interpersonal relationships and friendships.  At Quest, we believe that those relationships and friendships are vitally important.  They are one of the most fundamental elements of what people need to experience in life.  We also believe that there needs to be environments where those relationships and friendships are married to opportunities where we can engage God and His Word as a group of people.

In order to grow as people and as followers of Christ, we need one another.  We were designed by God to live in community and together process who God is, what He has said, and what impact all that has on our lives.  God purposefully designed us to be a body.  Each individual part is important for the connection between those parts.  It is in the body of Christ that we experience what some call “spiritual friendships,” friendships that include God and His Word.  When we share our personal journeys with one another, we are encouraged and challenged.  

Now, no group is perfect.  They all have their uniquenesses.  But, God even uses the quirky uniquenesses to help us grow.

I would encourage each and every one of you to find a “break-out” group to be a part of.  Our BLT’s (Belong, Learn, Transform) are midsized groups of 15-30 people of various life stages that are a ton of fun and valuable community dynamics.  The Men’s and Women’s groups focus a bit more on Biblical content and help you connect with others in your situations of life.  There will be a women’s Tuesday evening Bible study as well as a Friday morning study. We also offer two opportunities for Men’s Bible studies on Wednesdays. Whatever you might need we try to offer.  Sign-ups will be happening in the next few weeks.  Don’t stay in isolation, get connected.
