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Be Thankful

This is my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving!  I dislike the fact that it seems to get squeezed out as it sits between Halloween and Christmas.  In an increasingly secular culture, the complicated dimensions of Halloween and the economic boom of Christmas overshadow the tiny observation of Thanksgiving.  Obviously, Thanksgiving is a beautiful part of our American heritage, but it is part of many countries traditions.  The American version reaches back to the landing of the Pilgrims 400 years ago on the windswept and wintery shores of what would eventually become Massachusetts.  In spite of tremendous hardships, significant loss of life and unexpected misfortunes, the settlers found solace in the faithfulness of God, the kindness of the Native American tribes and the unity of one another.  As followers of Christ those men and women turned their hearts toward heaven in grateful thanks.

Even though it may not seem like it, we live in similar times.  We live on the windswept and wintery shores of a broken world that is bent on defeating the purpose for which we were made.  Each and every one of us face tremendous hardships at one time or another, and for some of you, they seem to come in rapid succession.  Many of us have lost loved ones this year or are watching loved ones enter into the last days of life.  There are numerous unexpected misfortunes that come our way through which we have had to persevere.  In the midst of all these things, God is faithfully standing by and standing with us.  He is present and passionate about us and wants to instill in us the power of His Spirit, so that we may life in the fullness of His veiled glory.  We also have been blessed with people around us that have helped hold our arms up when we have become tired.  Those people are both those in the body of Christ and others whom God has blessed us with at work, in our neighborhoods, in our families, and unexpectedly, from some unforeseen place in life.

So… therefore…what now?  I pray that this Thanksgiving can be a time for you to give thanks to all who have joined you along the way of your journey through life.  Express your gratefulness to everyone who is important to you.  Don’t let the opportunity go by without making the most of it.  And don’t forget to take a few minutes alone with your Lord to surrender you thanks to Him, for He loves you with a love that is endless.

Happy Thanksgiving 2019


One Comment

  1. Thank you for your encouraging words & for always pointing us to Jesus. May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!

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