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Back to Perspective

Welcome to 2018 and welcome back to Perspective… a serious look at what Paul wrote to the believers in Jesus in Philippi…a letter we call Philippians.

Much of fall 2017 found us looking at this letter together and seeing if anything that Paul thought was critically important for them might also be relevant for us.  Fortunately, we found all sorts of things that apply for us today.  There were almost a dozen really important truths that helped us gain perspective on life and living in the light of God’s presence around us. Unfortunately though, we came up short of finishing our study of the letter before Christmas, so we still have part of chapter 3 and all of chapter 4 to walk through.

Therefore, for the next two weeks, we will quickly review where we have been and and move on to capture a couple more thoughts that will help complete our discovery of perspective on how God functions and connects to us.  So far we have seen that the Christian life is never static, but always dynamic.  That is because God is not finished with us yet – He has more to do in the transformation process of our character.  That process is not always easy (sometimes it comes with some pain and suffering), but those are the elements that help us be humble and to appreciate not only God’s amazing love, but also the struggle and pain that other people go through.  You see, God doesn’t use a cookie cutter method for our development.  He uses a unique plan for each one of us, so that He can be revealed in a special way through every one of us.

This week we will look at an example of what that person, a person who is committed to the majesty of Christ in them, looks like.

Welcome to 2018 and welcome back to Perspective!

See you Sunday,