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Posts by admin (Page 49)

Partnering to Provide

There is an organization in the community whose doors are open to all who come through and they seek the welfare of the people in their community. They love people right where they are and value who they are as people. They do not judge or reject. They nurture, teach, support and encourage people who come to their organization. If you were to…

Seed Paper Gift Tags

Quest is selling Christmas gift tags this year in hopes to raise money to buy supplies for a couple of our Christmas Compassion projects. These tags are printed on seed paper so the recipient can then plant the tag after the gift has been given and grow beautiful wildflowers this spring as an ongoing gift beyond just what’s given at Christmas. The tags read,…

Reach for Christmas Compassion

The focus this Christmas (2015) will be defined by the phrase, “May the comfort and compassion of Christ fill your season.” During a time of the year when things are so hectic, it is difficult to remember the simplicity and beauty of the fact that God invaded time and space in order to demonstrate His compassion for mankind through, what we call,…

Thrive’s Baby Bottle Blast Totals are IN!

Thrive Baby Bottle Blast drive totals for Quest are in…Quest Kids raised $274.95 and Quest congregation raised $3,509.56 for a total of $3,784.51!  We want to say thank you to you all for your amazing support!  Our partnership with Thrive helps to further their ministry in support of women and their unborn child. But wait!!! There is more… Please read the following from their…

Gear Up: Equip

The next few laps of the life of Quest will involve us Gearing Up in four areas of life and ministry.  First is the aspect of ‘belonging’, which is a need for every human on planet earth… a place to sit together under the authority of Christ, a place to sit together and care for one another and a place to invite…

*Updated* Crestview Food Pantry List

Crestview’s Food Pantry provides students with food over the weekends that otherwise, may go hungry or not get enough to eat. We are so blessed to have the ability to come alongside the school in this amazing way. Quest has responded so incredibly to all the needs they have. We have received an updated list with a few extra items that could…

Belonging Translates into Being Equipped

In the last three weeks, we have seen from I Corinthians that three aspects of BELONGING are… Embracing the fact that we all ‘sit on the bench rowing together’ as equals under the Lordship of Christ… that He is the only captain of this ship called “the church.”   That we all sit on that bench together, arranged and organized by the…

Getting Plugged In

As we have talked about the importance of belonging over the last few weeks, we wanted to give an opportunity to everyone to get plugged into the Quest community. There are several areas that could use a few more people to help on a rotating basis so everyone involved can have some Sundays off. If you’re interested in serving in any of the…

Candy Donations for Quest Kids

Quest Kids is collecting bags of candy for an outreach opportunity they will have later this year. It’s a great time to pick up candy since it’s Halloween time and everything is on sale. If you could grab a bag or two and bring it to the Quest Kids desk, your donation will help bring some joy to kids around the St.…

It’s Check-Up Time

Check-up… that brings to mind a visit to the doctor to do things and talk about things that we would rather not do nor talk about… but it would probably be really good for us. Sometimes a simple test can reveal something really important. What is true of our physical health can be true of our spiritual health as well. That is…