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Posts by admin (Page 45)

Hey Questers – We’re Back!

A few weeks ago, we shared with you the details about our 1st upcoming mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  Well, we’re back and want to give you an update.  We did not know what to expect or how things would go, but we knew that God had called us there.  He called us there to come alongside our partner church (FeG Bonn)…

The Exciting World of SPORTS!

Did I get your attention? I hesitate to write an article that would say, “The exciting world of Quest Kids!” because I feel many would just ignore reading it by saying, “Well, I don’t want to teach kids so I don’t need to read this.” I’m asking you to please read and prayerfully consider serving. Even if you have never before considered…


Outreach… I don’t know what comes to your mind when you hear the word outreach thrown around in relation to the church and ministry, but I think most people are a little reluctant.  Outreach can feel like something you have to do to people you don’t know, concerning something they have not necessarily expressed an interest in, at a time that is…

Who Are You???

This summer, we are wrestling with the nature, character and identity of God.  It sounds exciting and interesting.  It also sounds a bit crazy.  How can we, as finite men and women, engage a solid answer to our question of ‘who is He’, an infinite God?  That could sound impossible or at best it could seem profoundly difficult to make practical to…

Hey Questers – Guess What?? 

Next week we have a team leaving on our first Quest mission trip to Bonn, Germany.  We will help the Evangelical Free Church (FeG) of Bonn in hosting an American Sports camp.  The camp will be attended primarily by non-believing teenagers from the inner city.  Our German brothers and sisters want to share the Love of Christ with these youngsters and their…

God’s Community

We have now transitioned into our new building, our new place, our new home for Quest Church a “people in and for the Community”.  God gives us the awesome opportunity and responsibility to engage our community with the Love of Christ through our actions, character and words.  And, that starts right here in our neighborhoods, with the people we engage in everyday…

Dedication Sunday: June 19, 2016

We are all looking forward to this Sunday and the ‘dedication’ of our new home for Quest at 17126 Manchester Road, Wildwood, Missouri. To dedicate means to officially make a place for honoring or remembering a person, event, etc. In a Christian theology and worldview, the place that is dedicated to Christ is most essentially the human heart. That is where He…

What You Need to Know as We Move In

You guys! We’re moving in! THIS WEEKEND! How awesome is that? While this is a super exciting time, we wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of a few things… First of all, the address is 17126 Manchester Road, Wildwood, MO 63040. No building is perfect, even with all the latest and greatest updates, there are imperfections. Our building is an ongoing project, so please…

Find Your Focus: The Epilogue

In the coming days the gospel will be most clearly and powerfully communicated through us living out our faith with mature Christ-like character.  Actions really do speak louder than words.  Words without character are simply empty and hollow. In these last few weeks, before we move over to the new property, I want to focus on our maturity and what qualities we…

Another Building Update

We continue to make excellent progress in renovating our new “home.” Thank you Questers for your generous gifts of time and energy to renovate the building and to clear the church grounds of brush, honeysuckle and dead trees. Over the last two weeks, the large downstairs room and classrooms have been painted. The skim coating of the lobby walls has been completed in preparation…