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Posts by admin (Page 38)

Quest Kids Question of the Week (Week 9)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK 9 Your Name:_________________           Date due: August 6      1. When you chose to ignore God and do things your own way, God calls it   ___ ___ ___! Do you ever do that?  ___________ Can you share an example where you did that this week?   ___________________________________________________________________________   2. _________ makes a mess of everything.  …

Annual Business Meeting… Sunday morning August 27th… for a worship service?????

The idea of doing our Annual Church Business Meeting on a Sunday morning as our worship service seems a little strange to most people, especially people who have been around ‘church’ for many years.  Church ‘business meetings’ are typically seen as boring, contentious and unnecessary by most people.  Unfortunately, all to often, these perceptions are grounded in experiences that have been boring,…

As Seasons Change, So Does Life

We’re over halfway through summer, how did that happen? Fall is right around the corner… although you’d never guess that with the temperatures the way they are this week. Am I right?  Just as the seasons change, so does life. We’ve had several transitions within the Quest family in the ways of marriage, babies, new jobs, etc. With all these changes comes…

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 7)

QUESTION OF THE WEEK 7 Your Name:___________________  Date due: July 23 When God told Solomon he could ask for anything and God would give it to him, what did he ask for? Was it a good thing that Solomon asked for? (Ask your mom or dad what they would ask for) What happened to Solomon’s heart and attitude after he got all…

The Cost of Membership

Membership: to be a member who enjoys all the rights and accepts all the responsibilities of being a participant of a particular organization. Most of us probably have a membership with a number of organizations or stores that offers us a variety of privileges, as well as responsibilities. You may be a member of a country club or a warehouse store.  Maybe…

Quest Kids Questions of The Week (Week 6)

Your Name ________________________ (Due July 16) 1. What kind of a heart did Solomon, Saul and David have toward God. (draw a line from the king to the type of heart) Whole heart     //     Half heart     //     No heart 2. Each of these kings sinned against God but had very different responses to God…

Sports, Relationships, Gospel

This summer, our sermon series is on relationships. We are learning they can be very challenging because those relationships reveal the brokenness of all of us.  However, they can also be very meaningful because God designed us for relationships.  Relationships are how we connect with others on a deeper level, allowing us to love and to be loved.  Relationships come in all…

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 5)

Put these events in the right order (remember the hand motions): Abraham 2 Eyes: Ishmael and Isaac 4000 years ago in Ur Isaac 2 sons: Esau – hairy, Jacob – smooth Flood SALT (Sarah, Abraham, Lot, Terah) Promised Land Tower of Babel God Fall Tigris Euphrates (traveled along) Creation Nations Haran Read Psalms 51:2-12 by yourself or with your parent(s) and fill…

Love’s Joy and Sorrow, Beauty and Burden

As we engage and deal with all the relationships in our lives, we find both ends of the spectrum: joy and sorrow. Walter Trobisch, a European author and pastor, once wrote that learning to love in our relationships, …is anxiety and contentment, it is deep yearning and hostility, it is pleasure and pain, there is not one without the other.  Happiness is…

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 4)

Your Name:___________________ Date due: July 2 Put these events in the right order. (remember the hand motions) 4000 yrs ago in Ur Promised land Flood, S.A.L.T Tower of Babel God, Fall Tigris Euphrates (Traveled Along) Creation,  Nations   Why was Saul no longer a part of “God’s Rescue Plan”? What do we need to keep in touch with to be part of…