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Posts by admin (Page 24)

Dear Quest

This has been a very strange and challenging couple of weeks for all of us.  It feels like I’ve been saying that for weeks already, with no exact end in sight.  So I don’t want to be repetitive or boring, but that is how it seems.  However, maybe it is understandable and even accurate.  I read one blogger yesterday that suggested this pandemic will be the…

Circle of Concern

It has come to our attention that the local food pantry, Circle of Concern has been hit pretty hard with need from folks that have had to stop working due to the COVID-19 concerns. Their shelves are depleted, and could use a boost. They have asked if anyone could donate: Pasta sauce Condiments Dinner Helpers Jelly Snack foods Body wash Baby wipes…

What to Do with Prayer Requests

The needs within Quest and the surrounding community are endlessly important to us. As a church body, it is our desire to come along side those who are in need and to lift them up in prayer. If you have a need, we would love to pray for you. Please fill out the contact form on our prayer request page and we…

Prayer 1-1-1

Praying for 1 Person at 1 O’Clock for 1 Minute As we navigate this strange time of not being together in the same building, but still needing to be together as the church (because the church is NOT a building), we thought that amping up our efforts in prayer together would be a great place to start. Prayer 1-1-1 is the idea…

Why is the Online Directory SO Important Right Now?

We want to make sure that everyone at Quest can keep in contact with each other during this time of social distancing. So please, if you are a part of the directory already, please make sure that all of your contact information is current. If you have yet to sign up, now is the time! It’s quick and easy, so what are…

COVID-19 Cancellations

With the concerns over Coronavirus, we at Quest want to be prudent, thoughtful and caring towards those in and outside of our walls. We are cancelling all large group gatherings and services until further notice, in hopes of helping to curb the spread of the virus. We will be updating as time goes on and will be posting message videos instead of…

Summer Camp 2020 – Save the Date

Save the Date – Summer Camp is coming on July 19-24! We are going back to King’s Kids Camp this summer and we are super excited! Save July 19-24 on your calendar so that it can fit into your summer schedule. We would love to have your student come as a camper!  King’s kids camp is open to all students going in…

Marriage and Family

There are few topics, issues, venues, or relationships that inherently bring with it more potential for joy on the one hand and heartache on the other, other than marriage and family.   When the busy and demanding world in which we live gets all geared up and on a roll, we can become consumed with the ‘stuff’ of making money, advancing our…