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Posts by admin (Page 22)

Inconvenience or Altercation

We are in the midst of global pandemic.  Sometimes it is hard to get my mind around it.  It seems to have involved more of the world than anything else has in my lifetime.  That may prove to be true or not, only time will tell.  But for now, this is huge. When Covid-19 began to rudely invade, what seemed to be…

RightNow Media

An online streaming service with over 25,000 videos to help you grow in your walk with Jesus While we’re in this age of quarantine and social distancing, it’s hard to keep connected in the areas of small groups and Bible studies. Enter RightNow Media. Quest now has an account with a site called RightNow Media. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s…

Update on Gina and Family

We wanted to make sure you stayed updated on Gina’s health situation because we know many of you have been praying for her and her family through her bout with COVID-19. Yesterday was a big day for her because she was taken off the ventilator! She’s breathing on her own and doing pretty well. Continued prayers for her recovery are encouraged. Her…

Dear Quest

This has been a very strange and challenging couple of weeks for all of us.  It feels like I’ve been saying that for weeks already, with no exact end in sight.  So I don’t want to be repetitive or boring, but that is how it seems.  However, maybe it is understandable and even accurate.  I read one blogger yesterday that suggested this pandemic will be the…

Circle of Concern

It has come to our attention that the local food pantry, Circle of Concern has been hit pretty hard with need from folks that have had to stop working due to the COVID-19 concerns. Their shelves are depleted, and could use a boost. They have asked if anyone could donate: Pasta sauce Condiments Dinner Helpers Jelly Snack foods Body wash Baby wipes…

What to Do with Prayer Requests

The needs within Quest and the surrounding community are endlessly important to us. As a church body, it is our desire to come along side those who are in need and to lift them up in prayer. If you have a need, we would love to pray for you. Please fill out the contact form on our prayer request page and we…

Prayer 1-1-1

Praying for 1 Person at 1 O’Clock for 1 Minute As we navigate this strange time of not being together in the same building, but still needing to be together as the church (because the church is NOT a building), we thought that amping up our efforts in prayer together would be a great place to start. Prayer 1-1-1 is the idea…