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Posts by admin (Page 15)

Women’s Fall Bible Study

The Tuesday night Ladies Bible study will be studying “None Like Him” by Jen Wilkins. As people with limited understanding, we tend to imagine a heavenly Father who is like us. But Jen Wilkins reminds us that our Creator possesses many attributes we don’t. Take a closer look at the God who is infinitely knowable, creative, able to provide, timeless, unchanging, powerful,…

Mission Trip – Lake Charles, Louisiana

When crisis creates a new mission field, we’re there to share the love of Christ with those in need. We’re putting together a team for a mission trip this October. ReachGlobal Crisis Response is helping with hurricane clean up after Hurricane Laura decimated the area in Lake Charles, LA. Quest’s team will go October 17th-23rd. Team members will fill out an informational…

Why Camp is so Important for Our Kids and How You Can Help

Johnathan has a lot to say about camp and it’s importance to our kids. While we can’t all go since most of us aren’t going into 4th-9th grades, there is still something HUGE we can be doing to help camp go well and be impactful on the hearts of our students. King’s Kids Camp is an effort of several EFCA churches around…

Livestream Service for Ron Canby

It’s with heavy hearts that we tell you that Ron Canby went home to be with the Lord earlier this week. There will be a service in his honor at Kimzey Funeral Home (in Mount Pleasant, Iowa) tomorrow (7/8/21) at noon that will be live-streamed from Kimzey’s Facebook page. We are opening Quest so our folks can gather locally to watch the…

What Makes Quest… Quest?

This world is full of good and bad, we’re all involved in that because we’re all good and bad. So that means that Quest is both good and bad… nothing in this world is perfect. However, through those imperfections, we have strengths that make Quest what it is.

Where We Are and Where We’re Headed this Summer

We’ve been in our series, Rebuild, focusing on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. We still have 3 chapters left. However, we will be taking as light detour to start our next summer series this coming Sunday – A Series with Heart. Jim Barnard, a Quester from a while back and author of “The Suffering Guy,” will be coming to speak this…

Missions: What we’re doing and why it’s important

Reaching the world for Christ is a calling of the Christian church. Quest wants to take an active role in this and has developed 5 core missions projects that you can be a part of. We will update more in the future when there are active roles to take, but for now, we just want you to know what our foci are.

Quest, Discipleship and Service

Quest is a people and a place where the skeptic, the inquirer and the already convinced can find room and reason to belong, believe and be transformed. In order to do that, we need disciples… people who love Jesus and want to spread His gospel.

Summer Studies for Our Guys and Gals

We expect and encourage our entire congregation to take a bit of a break this summer… take a vacation, take some time off to rest and rejuvenate. It’s good for your physical, emotional and spiritual health! However, we also don’t want you to totally disconnect from community here at Quest, so we’re offering a couple Bible study opportunities for our guys and gals. …