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Posts by admin (Page 15)

Opening Day and Our New Series

It’s opening day for the Cardinals, here in St. Louis. Kevin gives a brief HOORAH! for that, then talks about our upcoming workday on Saturday, April 24th at 9am at Quest. We have a few things to do around the grounds and gardens of Quest and could use all the help we can get.  The big news, however, is our new message…

While the World May Change, God Never Does

Kevin talks about the importance and meaning of Passion Week. We’re also encouraged to pray for the Christian church around the world. As well as praying for the world, we should also keep our community in our hearts. There are so many people near and far that NEED the hope of Christ. While the world shifts and changes, God is always the…

Rebuild: A Study of Ezra & Nehemiah

There are all sorts of twists and turns in the redemptive history of God and mankind.  Genesis chapters 1 & 2 records and describes the majestic work of God in creating everything in the heavens and the earth, including mankind into whom He breathed a soul: the immaterial and incorporeal essence of a living being.  Everything was deemed as qualitatively ‘good‘, and…

As We Wrap Up Matthew: Kingdom Mission and Move Toward Easter

Kevin summarizes where we’ve been in our current message series that we’ll be wrapping up this Sunday. After that, Easter week will be upon us, so we’re encouraged to prepare our hearts for that. After Easter, the new 12 week series Rebuild, will focus on the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. You can find the study guide (Ezra-Nehemiah by Kathleen B. Nielson)…

Big Change Coming March 7th

This journey has been a bit of a wild ride… shutting down, opening back up, switching to two services, shutting down again, reopening AGAIN and adding live streaming… all while trying to stay connected as best we can. With the St. Louis County business occupancy limits recently raised to 50%, we’re allowed more people in the building at one time. We weighed the…

Insight, Encouragement and Perspective

Kevin touches base and introduces a video from Chip Ingram that he found insightful, encouraging and gave a little perspective on what’s happening around us. He thought you’d get something similar out of it.  If you’d like to watch the Chip Ingram’s video that focuses on how COVID-19 has changed the church and ministry, you can view it here.