Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

As We Wrap Up Summer and Move Towards Fall in Quest Kids

We have had a great summer walking through the historical books of the Bible and seeing God’s Rescue Plan. We have seen that no matter how man has messed up, God is faithful to keep His rescue plan in place.

We have been giving the elementary kids a running overview of scripture. Sometimes you have to gain familiarity with what some call “the boring” nuts and bolts of Scripture before you can put understanding and application together. It is hard, but I am amazed at their ability to leave and grasp concepts like “cycles of Misery” in the times of the Judges.

Sunday, August 27th, the Kindergarten through 6th grade kids will sing in service and demonstrate the hand motions we are learning as we travel through the events of the Old Testament. I have been so pleased to see so many of the children following through on their “Questions of the Week.” There are still 4 more weeks to go, so keep encouraging them to do the homework. Handouts go out every week with the Questions and words to the song that they will sing. If you have missed Questions of the Week, you can get them on the website on the blog.

The new Sunday School year for infant through 6th grade begins on September 17th. Please note that 6th graders are encouraged to come to Quest Kids on Sunday mornings. This year, the curriculum is especially timely for this age.

Below, I have listed the curriculum for each of the grade levels.

This Year’s Curriculum:

4th – 6th Grades:
Answers for Kids helping kids answer questions about their faith

2nd – 3rd Grades:
Faithful to All His Promiseshelping children understand who God is and what are His promises

K – 1st:
Jesus, What a Savior helping children understand God’s plan of redemption

Part of the year will be spent in the Old Testament and part in the New Testament:

  • He Established a Testimony: learning the powerful stories of our Great God in the Old Testament
  • He Has Spoken by His Son: learning the character and acts of Jesus in the New Testament

Nursery and Toddler:
Various lessons on God and His love, His creation and Power with the Story Lady

Training for the teachers is on August 20th, right after church.

There are still openings in the toddler and infant nurseries as well as a co-teacher position in the Kindergarten & 1st grade class. Please consider serving. It is a carrying community who prays and encourages each other at 9am on Sunday mornings. Kevin comes down each Sunday and gives a short synopsis of his sermon and the teachers spend time sharing and praying for one another and the children.

Prayer is powerful. Would you pray for our kids and their teachers?