Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

As We Prepare to Occupy

In the coming weeks we will occupy a building in Wildwood… a property that many people have been working really hard to prepare for us to occupy… and it is going to be so much fun.  Prepare yourself to occupy!!!!  But even more so, prepare yourself to occupy / move into / be present in / take up residence in / the community, in your community, in our community, among people who are unique and broken (just like us).  Prepare yourself to radiate the love of a God, who is infinite and intimate, with those who are unique and broken.  You see, those people (whether they are skeptics, inquirers, or already convinced) are people who are welcome to be in our circle of relationships and on the path of life where we are all trying to figure out how God meets us in each and every moment of our lives.  

What I am trying to say is this… the building will be a lot of fun, but it is only a tool to help us continue to find God and grow closer to God… and a tool to be used for others to find God and grow closer to Him also.  Prepare to occupy!