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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Another Building Update

We continue to make excellent progress in renovating our new “home.” Thank you Questers for your generous gifts of time and energy to renovate the building and to clear the church grounds of brush, honeysuckle and dead trees.

Over the last two weeks, the large downstairs room and classrooms have been painted. The skim coating of the lobby walls has been completed in preparation for painting, and the lobby floor has been prepped for tile installation. Plumbing repairs and updates have been completed in the downstairs bathrooms and the bathroom walls are now ready to be tiled. Next week, the basement floor will be painted. After that, the new bathroom fixtures can be installed.

The installation of new ceiling tiles is well underway in the downstairs areas. Electrical repairs and updates are progressing in the church building. Two new awesome looking coffee stations have been built and additional auditorium stage sections are ready to be assembled. Topsoil has been delivered so that the planting of new shrubs and bushes can commence.

We have not paid a lot of attention (yet) to renovating the house. But, a new roof was installed to begin the improvement process.

We need a few more weeks to finish everything before we open the building. So the Saturday workdays will continue. Please come help if you can. God has blessed us with safety in all of our efforts. We trust that the Lord will give us energy and strength to see the work through to completion.

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. -Isaiah 40:31