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Annual Meeting Celebration

10 AM this Sunday morning will be our 1st Annual Congregational Business Meeting / Celebration.  For two reasons, this meeting may be a little different than many or most of the church business meetings you have been to before.

First, we actually don’t have a ton of ‘business’ to accomplish.  Our Constitution outlines six specific things that the congregation has authority over and only a couple of those things are in play this year.  The main item is approving the budget that has been presented and discussed by almost fifty members at the Town Hall Meetings.  Associated with the budget is a line item to be approved of spending some funds on office / meeting space.  The third item for the congregation is the affirmation of new members.  The constitution outlines that the congregation is to affirm those who have been voted in by a 75% vote of the Team of Elders.  So, with limited business items on the agenda we decided to incorporate this into our regularly scheduled Sunday morning gathering.

The second reason this Sunday will be different than most business meetings is the fact that the real business of the church is to glorify, honor and worship God for who He is and all that He is doing in our midst.  There is no sense in having a meeting that is a bore or a debate.  The church is all about celebrating the fact that God is actually AWESOME!!!!!!!!!   We are designed to worship….and we tend to worship everything and everybody except Him.  So, this Sunday is designed to thank Him for all that He has done, all that He is doing, and all that He wants to do in and through us in the days to come.  We will wrap up our morning by celebrating communion in a unified fashion.  We will celebrate the crucified and resurrected Christ.  We will celebrate the newness of life that He has imparted to us individually and as a church.

See you Sunday for a time of CELEBRATION!!!