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Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, September 11th at 10am

Annual Business Meeting: Sunday, September 11th at 10am

Annual Business Meeting… doesn’t sound like much fun does it? …but that is a travesty.  The ‘business of the church’ ought to be one of the most compelling and exciting things on the face of the planet.  Really, the redemptive work of God in the lives of people should be the most captivating idea ever!!!!  Amidst the tragedies and destructive events that surround us we are privileged to include the work of God’s hands that reveal His heart for us all.

The business of the church is three fold: first it is to worship the God of creation and the God of the resurrection; the great I AM who was, is and will always be; the God of holiness and the God of love.  We are to worship Him with every fiber in our being.  Second, the church is given the responsibility to nurture the hearts, heads, and hands of people; to grow them, encourage them, and comfort them.  In the midst of difficult and challenging times we all need to be nurtured.  Third, the church has been commissioned to reach the world (and therefore our community) with the stunning news of God’s grace offered to lost people.  Infused in this outreach dimension we are to exhibit mercy in the same way that God’s mercy is infused for us.

Though we have not lived out the purposes of the church perfectly (far from it) we can still celebrate the ‘business of the church’ on every level.  Therefore… the perfect time to look at the business of the church in in a corporate worship environment… and we will do that on Sunday, September 11th.  I can’t wait to do that together with you.
