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Advent Conspiracy Projects

Spend Less – Give More – Worship Fully – Love All

Every year since planting, Quest has done an Advent Conspiracy project at Christmas. This is an opportunity to reach outside of ourselves and out community to come alongside a ministry and help. We’ve worked with with ministries all around the world and this year is no different. Our goal this year is not to raise a certain amount of money, but it is to touch a world in crisis.

Quest’s Missions Team has carefully thought through many projects that were presented and landed on 7 different efforts that we would like to address:

  1. Feeding Program in Haiti ($14,000) This program feeds 100 children every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The $14000 will go to funding this vital program for an entire year.
  2. Women’s Program in Haiti ($4,000) This program is to build into the women around the community by WISH. They get time to be together, learn skills, take classes and be ministered to in so many different ways.
  3. Start a 7th grade classroom in Lebanon for Syrian refugee children ($3,000)
  4. Hire a teacher for the 7th grade classroom in Lebanon ($3,000)
  5. New City Fellowship in St. Louis ($5,000) This will go to build a wheelchair ramp and remodel a bathroom for an elderly and/or disabled individual in the NCF community.
  6. Hire a Local Project Administrator in Lebanon ($8,100) This person will help The Cedars Network to coordinate multiple missions around the city.
  7. Replace the nurses’ dorm roof in Haiti ($5,000)

The total needed to fully fund every project is $42,100. This is not our goal. Our goal is to do what God wants and if that is to fund all 7 projects… awesome. If it’s not… awesome. We want to be faithful and generous with what we have and THAT is the goal. Each project will be filled in order of giving before moving onto funding the next. Any overage given beyond the final amount will stay in the missions world and used as the team sees fit.

We hope that you will prayerfully consider how you want to participate in this year’s Advent Conspiracy project.