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Advent Conspiracy 2021

Advent Conspiracy has been a Quest Christmas tradition since our beginning. It is a Christmas movement to help take the focus off getting things at Christmas and putting it on the goals of spending less, giving more, loving all and worshiping fully. Giving is part of our worship to God, trusting Him with our extra to use toward furthering His Kingdom. This is a special project that targets giving above and beyond a person’s usual tithe to help support a larger project outside of Quest’s normal support circle. In the past, we have helped build a home, fed children, support a women’s program in Haiti, pipe clean water, build a solar field, build a school and so much more… this year will be no different. The missions team carefully and prayerfully picks projects that they feel that God has chosen for us to focus on.

This year’s focus is on helping the vulnerable around the world. Something that Jesus, himself, has called his followers to do. We have 4 parts to this year’s project that focus on 4 different areas of the world… Bulgaria, Lebanon, Haiti and right here in St. Louis at New City Fellowship. The projects will be funded in the order they are listed. Once there is enough given to fund the first project, the next will be filled and so on…

Project 1: The Keys, Quest Missionaries, have been working with an orphanage in Bulgaria that needs help with funding for feeding the children there ($2400 goal). The children are Roma, a group of people that are seem as outcasts.

Project 2: The Cedars Network is working with widows in Lebanon and could use help with getting fresh water for the folks in their care ($1325 goal).

Project 3: Haiti has been a big focus for us in the past, and this year we want to help support Pastor Foglas in repairing his home to be livable ($5000 goal) while he and his wife live in an unused room of the school building. We also would like to support the women’s program there for another year ($5000 goal). This is a program that builds into the women around the WISH area.  

Project 4: New City Fellowship has been building wheelchair ramps for mobility impaired folks in North St. Louis. These ramps cost $5000 to build and install, so we’re hoping to raise some funds to help someone have a ramp installed in their home.

Advent Conspiracy giving is an offering above and beyond a normal tithe. This is a sacrifice to God and we want to hold to the integrity of what the movement was started for. Every penny given on Christmas Eve will go directly to these Advent Conspiracy projects. You can give ahead of time if you won’t be at service that evening, but we’re wanting to focus more on the Advent Conspiracy giving being done that specific service. There is an online giving option, so be sure to select the “Advent Conspiracy” fund for any online gifts given. If you write a check, please indicate that it’s for Advent Conspiracy in the memo line.

Thank you so much for helping Quest reach some of the vulnerable of the world in the name of Jesus.