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A WISH Really Can Come True

“Offering a cup of cold water to people who are thirsty” (Matthew 10)…..that is how I see our partnership with the ministry of WISH (West Indies Self Help) in the poverty stricken nation of Haiti.  For several years now, we have been partnering with that fifty year old mission that provides, not only essential needs, but an incredible variety of services to the people of Anse-a-Galet on the island of La Gonave.  It is a rather challenging place to minister.  Haiti, and uniquely the island, has a tendency to ‘wear out’ things and people.  The weather is relentless, the rainfall is limited, the infrastructure is inadequate and the resources difficult to secure.  However, the people are thirsty, both literally and figuratively.  The needs are astronomical.

So, serving these poor and forgotten people is a privilege.  Frankly, serving along side WISH and their personnel is an amazing privilege. This weekend the ‘onsite’ missionaries in Haiti with WISH (whom we have come to know and love) will be with us at Quest.  Robin and Beth Churchill will be sharing their story of how God had prepared them for this season of their lives.  It is a unique and special story… just like the story that God is writing in each one of our lives.  He is piecing together a mosaic of His design in, through and around each one of us.  Hearing how God has done that in others sometimes is really helpful in understanding how He is doing that in us.

Therefore, prepare yourself for a blessing.  Prepare yourself to be challenged.  Prepare yourself to give thanks for God’s unique work in others and seeing it yourself.

See you Sunday,
