Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Trunk or Treat Candy Collection

It’s that time of year again! Time for Pond’s annual Trunk or Treat event at Wildwood Middle School. This is a family favorite that the school does each year and they’ve asked Quest if we can be a part again. We’re looking for a few volunteers to help out AT the Trunk or Treat, but leading up to that night, we have a request…

We need CANDY! If we want to pass out candy to the kids that evening, we have to have candy! We always decorate a couple cars and hand out the goodies, but would you help in the collection of that? You can bring any individually wrapped candy to donate to Quest until Sunday, October 23rd (any donations given after that date will be used for other events or needs). There will be a bin by the Ministry Table marked for candy donations. You can toss the sweets right in there!

Thank you for being such a wonderful part of connecting with our community.