Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Who Doesn’t Love a Rally?

We’re looking to make a difference in our city and we want you as part of the effort! We’re gathering a group (we’re hoping for 40+ people) to head to New City Fellowship on Saturday, October 8th to do a LOT of good from 8:30am-2pm or whatever time you can make it in that window. We’re switching up from going every month to doing larger workdays once or twice a year, so would you consider being a part of it?

All ages and abilities are welcome and encouraged to come! There will be several work sites with needs ranging from gardening and yard work to painting and even building/carpentry. Miss Lovey’s garden needs some work, there are vines that need to be cleared from fences, there are several yards that need some TLC, painting is always a possibility and we’re hoping to get to work on at least one wheelchair ramp.

The group will meet at New City Fellowship in the morning at 8:30am, pray for the day and then disburse to specific worksites. Please be sure to dress for the weather (layers are usually a good idea), bring water, work glove sand your lunch.

Please sign up at the Ministry Table on Sunday mornings or use the form below. If you have any questions, please contact Mel Brown.