Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Why Camp is so Important for Our Kids and How You Can Help

Johnathan has a lot to say about camp and it’s importance to our kids. While we can’t all go since most of us aren’t going into 4th-9th grades, there is still something HUGE we can be doing to help camp go well and be impactful on the hearts of our students. King’s Kids Camp is an effort of several EFCA churches around the St. Louis area. We have about 65 students signed up to go with 25 adult leaders. There is still time to sign up your student if they’re interested in coming to camp! We’d love to have them! You can find the information on the King’s Kids Camp website as well as the registration link. Feel free to reach out to Johnathan Walker if you have any questions.