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Annual Business Meeting & Baptism Palooza

You read that right! This year, we’re making it a REAL PARTY! Our annual business meeting will be at Quest at 10am on Sunday, September 19th. The meeting is meant to be less business and more hearing about and celebrating what God has been doing in and through Quest. We will have some business to attend to in the way of budget and elders, so there will be a short time to our members to cast their votes. We will be diving deeper into the budget and answering questions at our Town Hall Meetings, that will be held prior to the business meeting.

After the meeting, it’ll be time to PARTY! We’ll be baptizing folks right outside at Quest. If you’re interested in being baptized and taking that next step in your faith in Christ, please talk to Kevin Hughes or Johnathan Walker.

Post baptisms, we’ll REALLY party! Potlucks don’t seem like the best plan these days, so Quest will take care of the food. There’s no charge, but feel free to make a donation that day to help curb the cost. Bring your lawn or camping chairs for outside! We’ll have some games and activities ready to help spark a little friendly competition. These paloozas are a really fun time to kick back and enjoy the Quest family since church is a party! We hope to see you there! If you have questions or want to help out with the BBQ part of the day, please contact Angela Harmann.


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