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Spending Less, Giving More

Providing for the needs of people in the desert of despair. How strong is our light to help those that need help? Just like the children of Israel, wandering the desert while trusting God to supply for their needs, we will do the same. However, these are now OUR needs, but needs of those around the world. We have a four-part project that we’re hoping to fund through our Advent Conspiracy giving this year. How will God meet these needs? Each week, we will give more details about each part of this project, but you’ll find a summary of each project below.

FOUNTAIN: WISH, a ministry in Haiti, is rebuilding water fountains throughout the city to help provide the people living there with fresh water. This is a necessity to life and survival. The goal for this part of the project is $10,000. God supplied water to the Israelites in the wilderness, we’re trusting Him to supply water to the people on the island of La Gonâve.

FELLOWSHIP and Evangelism: Meeting with and learning of the Good News of Christ is vital to the life of the Church. That is our mission: to spread the hope of Christ. The goal for this part of the project is $5,500. We’re hoping and trusting that God will supply for the building of a conference center in Lebanon.

FREEZER: We tend to take for granted simple things like having a refrigerator and freezer to keep a supply of food on hand. The people on the island of La Gonâve, in Haiti, don’t have this luxury. They depend on ice-filled coolers to keep food in their homes from day to day. We hope to help provide a freezer for their ice-making center and the cost for this part of the project is $5,000.

FOOD: The feeding center, at the WISH compound in Haiti, feeds upwards of 180 children every day. They provide one meal of beans and rice for these kids, and have to raise funding to provide this service for these children that may not otherwise eat that day. It costs about 35 cents per meal, so we’re hoping that God will provide funding to feed these precious children for 4 months ($4,400), like He provided manna to his people in the wilderness.

We will meet each project need in order. Once the first project is fully funded, we will move on to funding the second and so on. Our Quest Kids and Quest Students will be raising funds specifically for the food portion of this 4-part project.

We’re hoping to be able to fully fund all four projects for a grand total of just under $25,000. If you’re interested in helping us reach this goal to further God’s incredible kingdom, you can give during our Sunday service, but putting your donation into the tithe box. Please mark anything given with “Advent Conspiracy 2020” so we know exactly what it’s for. You can also give online through our Easy Tithe giving portal and simply specify that your donation should go to the “Advent Conspiracy fund.”

Would you consider how you might help to meet these needs this Christmas Season?