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Decking Quest’s Halls (Monday – Decorating)

Christmas is coming! Even 2020 can’t stop it! Each year, we have asked for help in decorating Quest for Christmas. It’s a big job, but is a lot of fun. This year is no different in the fact that we need some help to get the job done, but we’re doing it a little differently in order to provide a safer, more spaced out environment to decorate. Instead of having one big group of people knock everything out in an entire afternoon, we’re breaking the tasks into two days and asking for two smaller groups to help.

Sunday, November 22nd, we’d like to get our Christmas trees assembled and placed. A couple of the trees are quite large, so some strength is good for this task. We’re hoping for a group of 6 people to work in smaller teams to get trees put together in a short amount of time. This shouldn’t take longer than an hour.

Monday, November 23rd, we are planning on doing the decorating of the assembled trees (plus wreaths and other holiday details) from 1-3pm. We’re looking for 6-8 people to help decorate. Again, we’ll be breaking into smaller teams to tackle tree decorating. We understand that a weekday afternoon is not possible for some people, and that’s ok. However, if you ARE available and would like to help, please sign up on Sunday morning at the ministry table or contact Beth Sinak.

We’ll provide cookies, drinks and the Christmas music… you just bring a willingness to help beautify our building for Christmas!


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