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We Live in _______ Times!

You fill in the blank… and we all do day in and day out.  There are days when we could use one particular word to fill in the blank and the next day we might use an entirely different word.  You may have used some or all of these words: unprecedented, scary, unsettling, exciting, challenging, grievous, confusing, depressing, unpredictable, uncertain, tumultuous, changing, opportune, unique, destructive, constructive… and I could go on and on.

Clearly these are peculiar days in which we live, yet God is profoundly faithful and reliable in every moment.  On one level, we ought to cast our cares and concerns on Him rather than get caught up in all the hoopla that swirls around us.  On the other hand, we ought to be engaged, thoughtful and discerning of the issues that are defining ‘the times.’

I love the passage in I Chronicles (chapter 12, verse 32) where men of great character and understanding were joining David as God was transitioning Saul’s leadership to David.  In verse 32, we see a comment concerning the men from the tribe of Issachar who were joining the movement of God’s work.  It says, “Of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and all their kinsmen under their command.”  Fortunately these men where diligent to discern the issues of their day so that they would know how live and lead the people of God.

I suggest to you that we live in a time when we, as followers of Christ, need to engage the issues that are impacting our culture and be thoughtfully discerning of the issues.

I have drafted a philosophical framework for dealing with cultural conflict around us and in us that hope will help you:

Most difficult and important issues are fairly simple but rarely, if ever, simplistic.  The complexity of these issues must be understood in order to gain the clarity that leads toward productive resolution.

We need to have the inclination and the ability to seriously consider the merits of the various facets of these difficult issues, even when they may threaten to diminish our own preferred personal perspective.

If we fail to gain a broad and balanced understanding of any given issue, we guarantee not only an inadequate and ineffective resolution, but also the alienation of those who see the value of truths that may be embedded in opposing or unpopular views. 

Therefore, it is essential that we define the non-negotiable truths that frame the issues as to scope and importance.  Our responsibility is to help discover, embrace and live out Biblical non-negotiable truths so that God can paint a portrait on the canvas of our lives and our community that reveals and boldly proclaims the glory and beauty of God’s blueprint for what life is supposed to be like.

I am deeply concerned, that as followers of Christ, that we do not get caught up in the simplistic knee jerk responses that so many in our society are demonstrating.  Everything is not always what it looks like on the surface.  There are layers to these things that are not difficult to discover but demand we ask critically important questions. 

Therefore, do your homework.  Wrestle with the issues.  Filter out truths from the lies.  Pursue a cohesive and comprehensive worldview that is centered on God and His revealed truth in the Scriptures.  Love deeply, think effectively, see the world from the vantage point of Christ.  Do not be lazy.  Do not be intimidated.  Do not dismiss the power of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in your life who will lead you into all truth. 

Sincerely Yours,

Kevin Hughes

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