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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Prayer 2-1-1

We started our prayer movement of Prayer 1-1-1 at the beginning of this whole COVID-19 lockdown, but now as we’re starting to open back up, we thought… is this still necessary? OF COURSE Prayer is necessary! There is so much happening all over the country (and world) that we thought it might even be a good idea to expand it. So, we’re introducing Prayer 2-1-1… praying at 2 O’Clock for one thing/issue for one minute. Again, one minute may not seem like a lot of time, but when we all band together and raise our voices to God TOGETHER… amazing things can happen.

We’re asking you to focus your Prayer 2-1-1 topic or issue on racial reconciliation. God created us all in His image and we have taken the differences between ethnicities and warped them. We need to humbly pray for reconciliation and bridging gaps that have been created. Will you join us as we move forward?