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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

“How can something so beautiful become so difficult?”

Christmas is on it way.  It is in full bloom in all of the stores.  It is a beautiful time of the year.  It is full of so many traditions.  It is full of smells and sounds and sights that fill our senses. This year we will ‘unwrap’ it like the other gifts we will receive.  It is boxed and covered with intricate paper and tied up with ribbon and bows.  We all look forward to it!!

For some, however, Christmas is approached with a leery eye of being caught up in all the pressures of the season and surrounded by all the anxiety it creates.  Christmas becomes a love / hate relationship.  We want all the beauty, but hate all the chaos both around us and in us.

This week in our study of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is going to address our human tendency to be anxious and to worry.  It might be a powerful preparation for all of us as Christmas is just around the corner.