Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Baptism Palooza – What you need to know

It’s Baptism Palooza time again! This is one of our more unique services of the year. We will not be meeting at Quest, but just down the road at Morningstar Farm. You can get the address to the Loafmann’s in our online directory. If you’re not a part of it, you’ll need to join it to have access. It always makes us nervous to schedule it in August because we assume the temperatures will be ROASTING… but this weekend is looking unseasonable beautiful! We couldn’t have asked for better!

We’ll be having service under a huge tent, so be sure to bring your own chairs to sit on. Camp chairs work really well. You’ll also need to bring a side dish or two for the potluck lunch that we’ll have after the baptisms. Potlucks only work when everyone brings something for it… otherwise, we run the unfortunate risk of running out of food and that would be a travesty! Quest is providing fried chicken and bottled water.

A note about the food… we don’t have access to refrigerators to keep things cold during service, so bring anything that need to stay cold in a cooler. We’ll get it out right before lunchtime. Also, we don’t have plugs for Crockpots, so crank those babies up before coming and we’ll cross our fingers they stay hot enough 🙂

There has always been enough parking, but it will be tight. Leave yourself a few extra minutes to get parked, drop off your side dish to the buffet tables and get your chairs set up under the tent before service starts at 10am. Once service starts, we’ll sing, we’ll hear testimonies from the folks being baptized, we’ll sing some more and then share in their baptisms! After that? Church is a PARTY! Get ready to eat and have some fun with your Quest family! If you want to swim after the baptisms, be sure to bring your swim gear. We will have a place to change clothes. If you have littles that are in diapers, please be sure to bring a swim diaper for them.

We can’t wait to share in this amazing service with you!