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Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Sometimes You Need to Stop and Celebrate

Walk the Walk… this week we will stop in the park for a week to celebrate!!!

To celebrate is defined by three phrases:

  1. To perform… publicly and with appropriate rites.
  2. To honor… especially by solemn ceremonies or by refraining from ordinary business.
  3. To mark… by festivities or other deviation from routine.

Embedded in the life of the people of Israel is a beautiful gem called celebration.  Regularly during each and every year, there were a series of celebrations that were centered in Jerusalem and around the temple.  These celebrations gathered the people together to remember and give thanks for what God had done, what He was presently doing and what He would do in the future.  They were fully aware of the challenges of everyday life, just like we experience in our lives today.  Similar to us, they could get worn out by all trials (James chapter 1) and needed refreshment on a regular basis.  Therefore, God designed the life of His people to have times when everything else stopped and they focused on celebrating the good and beautiful things of God and life.

This week, in Quest, we will do a mini-celebration of God and life as we have become more and more settled and established in the Wildwood community.  It will be good for us to ’stop and celebrate’ what has unfolded among us and what God is accomplishing in and through us.  

We may be taking a one week break from the book of James, but we are not taking a break from engaging life.  Come ready to see and hear some of what God has done, is doing and will be doing in our future… and you are a part of it all!
