Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Game Day Palooza

It’s our annual end of the year palooza! We’re made it through the crazy holiday season, so now, it’s time to kick back. Instead of our usual 10am service, we’re having breakfast! Come on over for the breakfast buffet (suggested donation of $5 per person, but not required). After we eat, we’ll popcorn around from table to table and play a bunch of different games, laughing with friends and getting to know some people you may not have met yet. It sounds complicated… but it’s not. It’ll be a great time as a church family. Game night is what families do, right? If games aren’t your thing, or you can’t or don’t want to move around, that’s ok too. 


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