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Welcome Home: A New Fall Series

Welcome Home
Connecting and Engaging People In the Church, and the Church in the Community

This fall, starting this Sunday, we will be focusing on the theme of Welcome Home.  Of all the phrases that warm the human heart, there are few like that of “Welcome Home.”  When you have been away for an extended length of time or when you have been caught up in a traumatic emergency away from home, a warm embrace and a ‘welcome home’ is like medicine for the soul.  Home is a place where you hope to find relief from the chaos of life.

  • Home is a place where we can expect truth to be told without condemnation.  
  • Home is a place where grace is extended without forfeiting what is right.  
  • Home is a place where good is celebrated and evil is held at bay.  
  • Home is a place where broken people can find healing.
  • Home is a place where we can be strengthened when we feel weak.
  • Home is a place where we can grow.

In the next several months, we will be looking at all sorts of passages in the Bible that reveal what a church is supposed to be like… a place where we can be welcomed, loved, challenged, encouraged and exhorted.  
Church is a place where love, integrity, relevance and patience can guide the way things are done.  Those are the core values of Quest.

  • We desire to hold up love as the defining quality of being a Christ follower.  
  • We desire to handle every aspect of our church with integrity.
  • We desire to be relevant to our culture without becoming irrelevant to God.
  • We desire to be patient with people since time is a critically important part of growth.

We are looking forward to all that God will teach us this fall.  We are excited to have each and every one of us understand more an more of what this thing called church is really all about.  We are committed to having each of us experience the rich dynamics of being a part of the body of Christ… His church.