Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Baptism Palooza and Possible Rain Plan

Because Church is a Party… but it’s also St. Louis, so the weather is unpredictable sometimes.

This Sunday will mark the 5th year of our outdoor baptism service that we’ve lovingly dubbed… the Baptism Palooza. It’s a party! Church is a party! Baptism is a time to celebrate the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross so long ago. He saved us. He made us NEW and all we need to do is accept that gift. Baptism is an outward expression of just that. So, we hope you’ll join us as we celebrate what Jesus has done in the lives of those being baptized this Sunday.

Don’t forget to bring your folding chairs and something for the potluck lunch. We’ll provide the fried chicken and bottled water. Service starts at 10am but be sure to allow yourself a few extra minutes to get parked, drop your potluck dish at the buffet tables and find a spot to set up your chair(s).

We have been so incredibly lucky to have not had to deal with rain for any of these past paloozas. Not once. However, the forecast is showing an off and on chance of thunderstorms the morning of the Palooza. Besides hitting our knees and praying for no rain, there is nothing we can do to control this reality of nature. We will be under a HUGE tent, so rain won’t be a real problem unless it’s so windy that it blows the rain in sideways. However, in the case of lightning, we don’t think that having everyone under a metal framed structure would be the best idea, so IF the weather is too bad for us to safely be outside, we will switch back to the building for service and lunch. We will post this change to our Facebook page as soon as we can, if the call has to be made… BUT let’s hope and pray for the best!