Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Got some spare change?

This summer, Quest Kids is trying to help the children in Haiti by providing some of the needs for them to be able to go to school.  When Robin and Beth Churchill (missionaries from Haiti) spoke in church a couple months ago, we asked them what were some of the biggest needs, in addition to providing food for the feeding program, that our kids could participate in.  

You, and the children here, can help several children in Haiti with some of their expenses. Every family must pay for each child to attend school.  If they only have a little, then only the boys go to school . Overall, not many families on La Gonave can afford to send their children to school.

In addition to paying tuition for each child, each child must buy all of their books for the year, which is $20.00. They also must pay $4.00 for each of the 4 exams they have to take during the year.  If they cannot pay for either of those things, in addition to paying school tuition, then they are not permitted to go.  

$36.00 helps one child to get their books and pay for their exams for the year. 

We are asking you to help by:

  • Donating your loose change or whatever you can each week this summer. There will be small bowls on the tables each week where you can drop your money in each Sunday.
  • If you have children, encourage them to bring an offering each Sunday – maybe they can earn it and do odd jobs around the house, or have a lemonade stand.
  • In addition, we still want to collect enough to help feed the children who are in the one meal a day feeding program. $.35 buys a bowl of rice and beans per child, which for most, is the only meal they get each day.
  • Also, if you have any extra lightweight cloth bags to carry things in, you can drop them off downstairs at the registration table.

Thank you for partnering with Quest Kids to help meet basic needs for the children on the island of La Gonave, Haiti.

If you would like to learn more about WISH and the ministry we partner with, please visit their website.