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Suit Up

Conflict, warfare, battles… it feels like much of our world is consumed by way to much of these things!  It is one of the harsh realities that we live with internationally, nationally and locally.  There are a million wonderful things in our world that we ought not to forget about and enjoy, but I find so many people being discouraged and disillusioned by all the turmoil that surrounds them.  On top of that, there seems to be an increasing level of conflict inside so many people and between so many people.

All this conflict runs contrary to our desire to ‘go back to Eden’ where things were ideal.  We ache for the days when mankind walked openly and free in relationship to one another and with God, Himself.  We want to reject the chaos and confusion of our day and recapture what we sense life was supposed to be like.  However, we find ourselves depressed by the reality that even if the rest of the world could right itself, we individually, are broken and inadequate to live the way we know we ought to live.

All this adds together to define a world that is, in large part, in spiritual conflict, in spiritual disarray, in spiritual warfare.  The externals of our world simply reflect the internal conflicts of the human heart and its enemies.  We eventually realize that way down deep in our souls there is a spiritual tragedy that continues and accelerates.

The Bible understands all of this.  The scriptures describe it all.  The gospel explains the situation.  And God has provided a plan for standing firm in the face of an enemy that initiates the conflict.  He provides a way to escape.  He instructs and strengthens us in the midst of our struggle.

This summer, we will take a long hard look at our need to SUIT UP and fight the spiritual battles of life.  This might be the most significant thing we have ever addressed here at Quest.  Join us and see what God might be doing in you and through you.

Your bro,
