Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

It’s Palooza Time Again!

We have often said that “church is a party,” and so it is!!! However, it is a little different that the typical party of our culture, and a lot different than the ‘party’ that dominated the Huzzah River last weekend while we floated among to much alcohol, to little clothing and way to much vulgarity.  The party that the church is supposed to throw is celebrating life, beauty, redemption, forgiveness, honesty and all that God wants to accomplish in us, around us and through us.

There are times when we need to remember, and celebrate, the impact of Christ in the lives of people. That is what we will be doing on Sunday, September 10th as we gather together to worship, hear several people share a portion of their life story, enjoy one another and give thanks for God’s generosity to us.  This is actually one of the highlights of the year, so do what you can to make this a priority.

This service will NOT be at the Quest building, but right down the road at Morning Star Farm (17525 Manchester Rd., Glencoe, MO 63038). Service will start at the usual 10am, but we won’t have our usual donuts and coffee (sorry!). We’ll have our outdoor service under a giant tent (please bring your own lawn chairs to sit in), then we’ll head over to the pool for baptisms. After the baptisms, we’ll release for lunch, swimming and games. Yes! We’re having a potluck picnic lunch! What’s a party without food???

Please be sure to bring a side dish and/or dessert to share with the group. Quest will provide the fried chicken (gluten free options as well) and drinks. We’ll have the pool opened up after we eat for anyone who wants to swim. Please bring towels, swimsuits and swim diapers for any non-potty trained little ones. There will be washers, other various lawn games and even 9-square! What’s a party without a little friendly competition? So… bring your A game!

This is not a service to miss. It’s a little funky, a little different, but so meaningful. For many, it’s their favorite service of the year. We hope to see you there!