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A Challenge, An Encouragement, An Exhortation

I would like to challenge you to take an adventure with one another on a quest toward God.  I really want to encourage you to consider it seriously.  Actually I want to strongly exhort you to join the people of Quest in spending 40 days looking at, wrestling with and absorbing God’s heart as revealed in Psalm 119-134.
In ancient Israel, every Jewish man was supposed to make the trek from their home to Jerusalem three times each year (for Passover, Pentecost, and the festival of Tabernacles).  The purpose of this journey was to step away from their daily routine and to refresh and renew their relationship with God.  We could probably benefit from their example and periodically make the same sort of trek with our hearts.
Psalm 119 is a beautiful expression of the majesty of God’s Word and its implications for us day to day.  It is arranged according to the Hebrew alphabet, eight verses for each of the 22 letters.
Psalm 120-134 are a series of songs that they memorized, sang and worshiped with during the days and nights of the trip. This trip toward Jerusalem, and really toward the temple where they would offer praises and sacrifices, was done alongside their fellow countrymen.
As a result, we find that God’s people, who regularly needed to renew and refresh their relationship with God, did it while traveling with one another.  That sounds like a healthy formula for a church like ours.
Therefore, would you consider taking on the challenge, responding to the encouragement, and accepting the exhortation to spend the next six weeks looking at and absorbing these portions of God’s Word while ‘traveling with one another’?  I am confident that by letting His Word richly dwell inside our thirsty souls that His Spirit can renew and refresh us to relate in the most health of ways both with God Himself and with one another.
You can pick up a devotional booklet anytime at the Quest building. Sunday mornings, they will be at the Ministry Table.