Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

As Seasons Change, So Does Life

We’re over halfway through summer, how did that happen? Fall is right around the corner… although you’d never guess that with the temperatures the way they are this week. Am I right?  Just as the seasons change, so does life. We’ve had several transitions within the Quest family in the ways of marriage, babies, new jobs, etc. With all these changes comes more changes because the demands of life are altered, leaving different amounts of time available for other things. Due to so many of these changes, a few of Quest’s ministries are looking for some awesome people.

Quest wouldn’t happen without our teams of amazing and generous people that give of their time and talents. Volunteering isn’t about filling a role with a warm body. It’s about being who God created you to be. God blessed each and every one of us with unique talents and abilities. How boring would life be if we were all good at the same stuff? What has God given you that you can use to bless His people? Kingdom? Ultimate plan? Nobody else is going to step into a role that God meant for you to fill.

The Road Student Ministry and Quest Kids are looking for some folks with hearts for children or students. Studies have shown that kids need FIVE adults (other than their parents) pouring into their lives, that know them by name, that truly care for them and the people that they are. We think Quest is a great place for them to find some of those five people. If this sounds like something you could do, please contact Jake about serving The Road or Karen about serving Quest Kids.

If students and kids aren’t your thing, that’s ok! As I said, everybody is different. There are several other areas that could use some support. Check out the ministries you could serve and see if anything strikes your fancy.

Don’t be afraid to try something new. Maybe try something for a few weeks to see if it suits you before committing fully. There’s no shame in that game! You don’t usually buy a pair of pants without trying them on first. Not that ministry and pants are the same thing, but just go with the metaphor. Sometimes it takes work to find that place that makes you stop and say, “Wow, I was MADE to do this!” You’ll never find that spot if you don’t try.