Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 7)


Your Name:___________________  Date due: July 23

  1. When God told Solomon he could ask for anything and God would give it to him, what did he ask for? Was it a good thing that Solomon asked for? (Ask your mom or dad what they would ask for)
  2. What happened to Solomon’s heart and attitude after he got all these wonderful gifts from God?
  3. What were the consequences of Solomon’s sin and divided heart ? (Circle the things that  happened as a consequence of  Solomon’s sin).
  • Israel lived in peace
  • Israel became a divided kingdom instead of a united one
  • God’s people listened and obeyed Him
  • God kept his promise to David but Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, got only one tribe to rule (Judah)
  • People turned to Jeroboam to rule the larger northern kingdom
  • Northern tribes worshipped golden calves
  • Solomon’s son did not look for wise counselors

4 . These events are in the right order –  put a check by the ones you can do the hand motions for.

  • God
  • Creation
  • Fall
  • Flood
  • Tower of Babel
  • Nations
  • 4000 yrs ago in Ur
  • SALT (Sarah, Abraham, Lot, Terah)
  • Traveled up Tigress and Euphrates to Haran
  • Terah Dies
  • Move South to Promised Land
  • Abraham had 2 “eyes”(Ishmael, Issac)
  • Issac had 2 Sons (Hairy -Easu and Smooth-Jacob
  • God blessed Jacob with 12 sons
  • Joseph
  • Bondage
  • 400 yrs slaves in Egypt
  • Let My People Go!
  • NO !
  • 10 plagues
  • Parting of Red Sea
  • Mt Sinai
  • !0 Commandments
  • 12 spies
  • 10 said NO
  • 2 said GO – Joshua and Caleb
  • as a result they WANDER 40 years