Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Why Bother Learning the Bible?

Why bother with learning facts like the books of the Bible?  Why learn Bible maps? Famous rivers? If God’s Word is the Story of God, and what He has done for us, doesn’t it makes sense to get familiar and comfortable with it?

As adults, we often know many of God’s stories, but we have no idea where they fit into the big picture.  As one person said, we have a lot of pearls, but we don’t know how to string them together.  God’s Amazing Book, telling of His rescue plan from the very beginning, is what the kids are learning about this summer. We are doing a very quick overview of the Old Testament, concentrating on the historical books from Joshua to Esther. 

Big Questions like “Who do you trust?” “Who are you going to listen to?” and “How are you going to live your life?” arise from the very beginning. When someone decides to ignore what God has said and go their own way, sin comes in and messes up everything. We see this throughout scripture and in our own lives. But God… is patient and has a plan.

We are sending kids home each week with Questions of the week so you can help your child or grandchild get to know their Bible. After they come back with 4 completed questions of the week, they can win a gift card. Answer the questions for another 4 weeks and earn another. It’s great motivation for learning really important information that will be useful for the rest of their lives. Did you miss this past week or lose the sheet of questions? No problem, we’ll post the questions on our blog (here are the questions from this past Sunday) so you and your kids don’t miss out.