Join us for Sunday morning worship services at 10am with
Quest Kids available for kiddos 6 weeks-6th grade!

Quest Kids Questions of the Week (Week 2)

Quest Kids Questions of the Week # 2
Look through your Bible to answer these questions. 
(you may do this with a parent or on your).
One of the goals this summer is to become familiar with God’s Amazing Book, the Bible.
1. The Bible is made up of two Testaments.  The _________ and The _________ Testaments.
2.  It was written by at least ______ writers over a period of  _____________years. (question for older kids only)
3. All the books of the Bible  really tell ___ story.  The story of ________ and all that He has done to bring
     us back into a relationship with Him.
4.  Cross out the New Testament books below . Then number the remaining books in the correct order.
    (Hint:  If you are having trouble look at the table of contents at the beginning of your Bible.)
  • Exodus
  • Ruth
  • Matthew
  • Joshua
  • Luke
  • Genesis
  • Judges
  • Revelation
  • 1st Samuel
  • Esther
  • Numbers
  • John
  • 2nd Chronicles
  • 2nd Corinthians
  • 2nd Kings
  • 2nd Samuel
  • 1st Kings
  • Ezra
  • 1st Chronicles
  • Mark
  • Nehemiah
  • Leviticus
  • 1st Chronicles
  • Deuteronomy